Fun Facts About Prague

Fun Fact Found - Prague

Located on the Vltava River, with its historical background and cultural heritance, Prague is the dream land for many of us. Here are some interesting facts about Prague that you might not know;
  • The ancient and magical pseudo science of alchemy was a hugely popular job amongst the elite in Prague during the Middle Ages. Turning minerals into gold became a mark of people's status if funding was given to these so-called magicians.
  • The Czechs in Prague drink more beer per capita than other country in the world. Each head will sink about 43 gallons a year on average.
  • The cheapest beer is sold in Prague. You may find some beer even cheaper than a can of coke.
  • The first sugar cubes were made in the Czech town of Dacice in 1841.
  • There are signs all over Prague for Black Light Theatre. Follow the signs and find this unique type of theatre where actors perform in a pitch black theatre with florescent costumes and props. 
  • Prague’s most famous sculptor is David Cerny, and he has a number of works dotted around the city in public places. His bizarre creations are known for their ability to both amuse and offend the public. Some examples of his works include “Babies”, “Brownnosers”, and “Horse”.
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