Fun Facts About The Heart

Fun Fact Found - Heart

Be kind to your heart, you only have one. Here are some interesting facts about the heart you might not know;
  • The heart begins beating when you are just four weeks old after conception of course and you know it never stops until death.
  • Heart pumps some volume of blood varying over a wide range, from five to 30 liters per minute.
  • Most heart attacks occur between 8 and 9 a.m and usually on Monday. That's because levels of a stress hormone peak early in the day. When this happens, cholesterol plaque in the arteries can rupture and block the flow of blood to the heart. Add when the blood pressure rise and increase heart rate from the stress of returning to work.
  • You should reduce your stress levels. Yoga, meditation, exercise can be very helpful. Find your own way to make your heart relax.
  • Having an active sex life may cut your risk of dying from heart disease in half.
  • Accourding to the Greeks the heart was the seat of the spirit, to the Chinese it was the center for happiness and to the Egyptians the emotions and intellect arose from the heart. What do you believe?
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