Fun Facts About Salvador Dali

Fun Fact Found: Salvador Dali

The most famous surrelasit painter of the world. Do you think you know all about Salvador Dali, that crazy wise Spanish man? Here are some interesting facts about Salvador Dali that you might not know;
  • His brother was also called Salvador, however he died nine months before Dali was born. His parents made Dali believe that he was the reincarnation of his brother. You can find some of his workds inspired by this idea.
  • He had a great abilty to translate dreams into artwork. He named them "hand painted dream photographs". 
  • Did you know that he was also a sculptor, filmmaker, writer and insane? Maybe he wants us to think that he is actuallt insane!
  • The painting called "The Persistence of Memory" belongs to a unique category of the iconic which is more likely to be viewed as posters in teenager’s bedrooms or on ceramic mugs than on wall of a museum. Did you know that the original painting is just as big as two postcards?
  • There are some certain images appearing in Dali’s surrealist paintings such as; melting clocks, elephants, eggs, ants, snails and locusts.
  • To ward off evil spirits, Salvador Dali carried a piece of lucky driftwood.around.
  • Dali was notorius for not knowing how to count money.
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