Fun Facts About Rice

Fun Fact Found: Rice

Goes well with almost all dishes, all around the world, and it is so healthy... Yeah, we are talking about rice. Here are some interesting facts about rice that you might not know;
  • Rice is the second highest consumed worldwide production after corn, which is mostly grown for other purposes than human consumption. This makes rice the most important grain for human consumption.
  • There are more than 40,000 varieties of rice growing on every continent except on Antarctica.
  • In some traditions, people throw rice at bride and groom at their wedding, because it is a symbol of life and fertility.
  • Rice is rich in carbohydrates, which are needed for the brain to function properly, and it is an excellent source of energy for physical activity.
  • Of all the cereals, rice also contains the highest quality proteins. It contains little fat, and no cholesterol surprisingly!
  • In Switzerland, there are small pillows made of natural textiles stuffed with rice. It is well for relieving back and neck pain. You should heat the pillow up in the microwave, and then position it over the painful area. Get well soon!
  • Did you know that car brands Honda means main rice field and Toyota means bountiful rice field?
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