Fun Facts About U2

Fun Fact Found: U2

Since late 1970s, U2 is in our lives and ears. Being one of the most hardworking bands in the world, U2 still rocks it, holding 20 Grammies! Here are some interesting facts about U2 that you might not know;
  • Did you know that U2 have never performed the song, from the Joshua Tree album, 'Red Hill Mining Town' live?
  • U2 were only the fourth music band appearing on the front cover of Time magazine, after the Beatles, the Band and the Who.
  • Bono and the Edge are co-owners of the Clarence Hotel in Dublin. You may want to stay there as a fan!
  • There is agreat mystery about the suitcase that had been stolen in 1981. It was returned to Bono in 2004 containing the original lyrics for U2's October album.
  • The Vertigo tour of the band has been chosen as the Top-Grossing Trek of 2005, sold $260 million worth of tickets and housed more than 3 million people at 90 concerts.
  • In August 2005, Portugal's Order of Liberty awarded the band to honor their humanitarian efforts.
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