Fun Facts About The Elephant Man
Fun Fact Found: The Elephant Man

Did you watch the great classic The Elephant Man, filmed in 1980? Here are some interesting facts about The Elephant Man that you might not know;
  • This film is the first studio film and first commercial movie of David Lynch.
  • The Elephant Man was not nominated for Best Make-up oscar. Because there were no best makeup category back then. Still, the category added to the Academy Awards, just because this film.
  • John Hurt, the Elephant Man, had his makeup constructed from casts made of Joseph Merrick’s body, which has been preserved in the private museum of the Royal London Hospital.
  • The makeup for the elephant man, took about eight hours to apply every day and it took about two hours to remove.
  • The events on the film are not totally true, they are mostly fictions.
  • Merrick, the elephant man had a peaceful and generally uneventful, if short, life at the hospital indeed.
  • John Hurt was a hard smoker and he managed to smoke through this heavy makeup on set.
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