Fun Facts About Italy

Fun Fact Found - Italy

Gelato, pasta, pizza... Great food and great people of Italy attracts us all the time. Here are some interesting facts about Italy that you might not know;
  • When European Jews were being persecuted during WWII, some Jews hid in Italy’s ancient catacombs, it may sound gothic, but they were the safest places for them.
  • It can be said that Italy is one of the fashion leaders in the world. In the 1950s, Italian designers such as Nino Cerruti and Valentino led the world in creating fashions. Then Armani, Versace, Gucci, and Prada have become recognized globally.
  • Italy has the most masterpieces per square mile in the whole world.
  • Most of natural flora and fauna has disappeared due to centuries of cultivation in Italy. The natural wildlife has also disappeared due to over-hunting. How awful!
  • Italy has the most volcanoes among the other countries. Because the Italian peninsula stands on a fault line. Three major volcanoes are Etna, Stromboli, and Vesuvius, and they have erupted in the last hundred years.
  • Parmesan cheese originated in Parma, Italy. Besides Italians created many other cheeses you know, such as gorgonzola, mozzarella, provolone, and ricotta.
  • There are thousands of traditional and regional Italian desserts. Tiramisu is the most well-known of them, although it was invented in the 1970s. Tiramisu means pick-me-up, so make me happy because of the ingredients coffee and cocoa.
  • In northern Italy, last names generally end in “i”, while in the south often end in “o.” The most common Italian surname is Russo by the way.
  • Italian children usually live at home until they are 30 if they are single and even if they have a job. Italian families are bound to each other very much.
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