Quick Fact About History

Fun Fact Found: History

Alexander the Great invented a spying technique still used today. He made his soldiers write letters home, then he intercepted and read to discover who was against him. Off with his head? Maybe...

Quick Fact About Facebook


Fun Fact Found: Facebook

Lauren Michaels, a 23-year-old woman, created a group named "I Need Sex" on Facebook in 2008. She had 35 member is 10 minutes and she attracted many more then and chose some of them to sleep with. Facebook has since removed her page.

Fun Facts About Doctor Who

Fun Fact Found: Doctor Who

A great mystery to its fans, Doctor Who is our favourite TV series for 50 years. Independent from time and space, Doctor Who can be anywhere, any time. Here are some interesting facts about Doctor Who that you might not know;
  • Look at this relation in Doctor Who! David Tennant is married to Georgia Moffett, who played the Doctor’s daughter, Jenny. Georgia is also the real-life daughter of the Fifth Doctor, Peter Davison.
  • Steven Moffat created The Weeping Angels, and he was inspired by a carved figure in a graveyard that he used to see when he went on family holidays. The graveyard was marked “dangerous”.
  • Many episodes of the series were destroyed by the BBC in the 1960s and 70s for mostly saving space. 
  • There are some collectors and broadcasters around the world helping to re-build the collection of missing episodes.
  • Verity Lambert was the former production assistant of the creator Sydney Newman, and the first woman BBC employed as a producer.
  • Bill Nighy and Benedict Cumberbatch turned down the role of The Doctor. Benedict Cumberbatch was offered the role of The Doctor following David Tennant’s tenure. He turned it down because of the high-profile coming with being part of such an enormous franchise. Bill Nighy also turned down the coveted role for the same reason.
  • The Daleks’ creator, Terry Nation, originally based the aliens on the Nazis, creating them as the unhearing, unthinking, blanked-out face of authority that will destroy you because it wants to destroy you. 
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Fun Facts About The Elephant Man

Fun Fact Found: The Elephant Man

Did you watch the great classic The Elephant Man, filmed in 1980? Here are some interesting facts about The Elephant Man that you might not know;
  • This film is the first studio film and first commercial movie of David Lynch.
  • The Elephant Man was not nominated for Best Make-up oscar. Because there were no best makeup category back then. Still, the category added to the Academy Awards, just because this film.
  • John Hurt, the Elephant Man, had his makeup constructed from casts made of Joseph Merrick’s body, which has been preserved in the private museum of the Royal London Hospital.
  • The makeup for the elephant man, took about eight hours to apply every day and it took about two hours to remove.
  • The events on the film are not totally true, they are mostly fictions.
  • Merrick, the elephant man had a peaceful and generally uneventful, if short, life at the hospital indeed.
  • John Hurt was a hard smoker and he managed to smoke through this heavy makeup on set.
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Quick Fact About Psychology

Fun Fact Found: Human Psychology

It is found that the personality of a person remains stable throughout life. There are three aspects that does not change throughout life; anxiety levels, friendliness and eagerness for novel experiences. Our roles in the society can change, our habits can change, our style of life can change but our basic personality does not, definitely!

Fun Facts About Demi Moore

Fun Fact Found: Demi Moore

We are wondering how she still keep that young! Demi Moore is a great mystery to all! Here are some interesting facts about Demi Moore that you might not know;
  • Demi Moore's real name is Demetria Guynes.
  • The first job she had was as a bill collector.
  • In 1991, when she was seven months pregnant, she posed nude for Vanity Fair Magazine cover.
  • She had many plastic surgeries to remove fat on some parts of her body; including her hips, tummy and behind and to enlarge her breasts on the other side.
  • She is a keen doll collector.
  • She hired the famous photographer Mario Testino to take some naked photos of her during her 41st birthday.
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Quick Fact About Children

Fun Fact Found: Children

Wealthy families in ancient Greece, dipped their children at birth in olive oil to keep their skin as they are then; hairless throughout their lives.

Quick Fact About Men


Fun Fact Found - Kissing A Man

Kiss your man on the right side of his body. The left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for positive feelings, controls the right half of the body. So this way, he will process your presence in the optimistic part of his mind and experience greater pleasure.

Quick Fact About Mothers


Fun Fact Found - Motherly Love

Mothers are in love with their babies.

There are researches showing that tender nurturing and breast-feeding that a mother experiences with her child releases bursts of dopamine, the reward and pleasure chemical, just as it does in romantic love. So it can be said that they fall in love with their babies easily!

Fun Facts About Prague


Fun Fact Found - Prague

Located on the Vltava River, with its historical background and cultural heritance, Prague is the dream land for many of us. Here are some interesting facts about Prague that you might not know;
  • The ancient and magical pseudo science of alchemy was a hugely popular job amongst the elite in Prague during the Middle Ages. Turning minerals into gold became a mark of people's status if funding was given to these so-called magicians.
  • The Czechs in Prague drink more beer per capita than other country in the world. Each head will sink about 43 gallons a year on average.
  • The cheapest beer is sold in Prague. You may find some beer even cheaper than a can of coke.
  • The first sugar cubes were made in the Czech town of Dacice in 1841.
  • There are signs all over Prague for Black Light Theatre. Follow the signs and find this unique type of theatre where actors perform in a pitch black theatre with florescent costumes and props. 
  • Prague’s most famous sculptor is David Cerny, and he has a number of works dotted around the city in public places. His bizarre creations are known for their ability to both amuse and offend the public. Some examples of his works include “Babies”, “Brownnosers”, and “Horse”.
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Fun Facts About The Heart


Fun Fact Found - Heart

Be kind to your heart, you only have one. Here are some interesting facts about the heart you might not know;
  • The heart begins beating when you are just four weeks old after conception of course and you know it never stops until death.
  • Heart pumps some volume of blood varying over a wide range, from five to 30 liters per minute.
  • Most heart attacks occur between 8 and 9 a.m and usually on Monday. That's because levels of a stress hormone peak early in the day. When this happens, cholesterol plaque in the arteries can rupture and block the flow of blood to the heart. Add when the blood pressure rise and increase heart rate from the stress of returning to work.
  • You should reduce your stress levels. Yoga, meditation, exercise can be very helpful. Find your own way to make your heart relax.
  • Having an active sex life may cut your risk of dying from heart disease in half.
  • Accourding to the Greeks the heart was the seat of the spirit, to the Chinese it was the center for happiness and to the Egyptians the emotions and intellect arose from the heart. What do you believe?
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Fun Facts About Italy


Fun Fact Found - Italy

Gelato, pasta, pizza... Great food and great people of Italy attracts us all the time. Here are some interesting facts about Italy that you might not know;
  • When European Jews were being persecuted during WWII, some Jews hid in Italy’s ancient catacombs, it may sound gothic, but they were the safest places for them.
  • It can be said that Italy is one of the fashion leaders in the world. In the 1950s, Italian designers such as Nino Cerruti and Valentino led the world in creating fashions. Then Armani, Versace, Gucci, and Prada have become recognized globally.
  • Italy has the most masterpieces per square mile in the whole world.
  • Most of natural flora and fauna has disappeared due to centuries of cultivation in Italy. The natural wildlife has also disappeared due to over-hunting. How awful!
  • Italy has the most volcanoes among the other countries. Because the Italian peninsula stands on a fault line. Three major volcanoes are Etna, Stromboli, and Vesuvius, and they have erupted in the last hundred years.
  • Parmesan cheese originated in Parma, Italy. Besides Italians created many other cheeses you know, such as gorgonzola, mozzarella, provolone, and ricotta.
  • There are thousands of traditional and regional Italian desserts. Tiramisu is the most well-known of them, although it was invented in the 1970s. Tiramisu means pick-me-up, so make me happy because of the ingredients coffee and cocoa.
  • In northern Italy, last names generally end in “i”, while in the south often end in “o.” The most common Italian surname is Russo by the way.
  • Italian children usually live at home until they are 30 if they are single and even if they have a job. Italian families are bound to each other very much.
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Fun Facts About Barack Obama


Fun Fact Found - Barack Obama

The president of us all... Barack Obama is a very important politician, ruling the world today. Here are some interesting facts about Obama that you might not know;
  • Obama has read every Harry Potter book published and he is also a fan of the movies.
  • Obama collects Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics; and he is so ambitious about it.
  • Obama owns a set of red boxing gloves autographed by Muhammad Ali, did you know that he is a fan of him too?
  • Obama carries a tiny Madonna and child statue and a bracelet belonging to a soldier in Iraq for good luck, does it bring good or bad luck, what do you say?
  • When he was at Harvard, he applied to appear in a black pin-up calendar, but was rejected by the all-female committee.
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Fun Facts About Horses


Fun Fact Found - Horses

The noble creatures we all adore: Horses... Here are some interesting facts about horses that you might not know;
  • Horses can run for a short time after birth.
  • Domestic horses have a lifespan of around 25 years.
  • Weirdly, the horse named ‘Old Billy’ is said to have lived 62 years during the 19th century.
  • Horses can sleep while standing up, too.
  • Horses have bigger eyes than any other mammal on earth.
  • Because their eyes are on the side of their head they are capable of seeing nearly 360 degrees at one time.
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