Fun Facts About Nicole Kidman

Oscar winning Australian actress Nicole Kidman is thought to be one of the most beautiful women in the world and one of the most successful, too. Here are some interesting information about Nicole Kidman that you might not know;
  • Nicole Kidman is a very dedicated actress. She even taught herself to write with her right hand for her role as Virginia Woolf in “The Hours” although she is naturally left-handed.
  • Nicole Kidman had her first kiss on stage when she was 14, playing in a production of the Spring Awakening. "It was a really, really great kiss, and I would look forward to it every night," she told.
  • Nicole's favorite food and drinks are chocolate, ice cream, apple martinis, and pizza.
  • Did you know that her best male friend is Canadian actor&comedian Jim Carrey.
  • She is a real multi-talented actress. Her role in “Moulin Rouge” proves that she is a fabulous singer and dancer as well.
  • Nicole Kidman is a lepidopterophobe: she is terrified of butterflies. She is not afraid of even snakes or spiders, but just butterflies.
  • Nicole Kidman was the first Australian actress to win the Best Actress Academy Award.
  • Her movie genres cover almost all the major genres: thriller, fantasy, musical, comedy, romantic comedy, action, drama, adventure, sci-fi, biography and mystery.
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Fun Facts About Bill Clinton

Fun Fact Found: Bill Clinton

Clinton was The second youngest president ever elected, Bill Clinton was just 46 years old during his inauguration in 1992 election. Here are some interesting information about Bill Clinton that you might not know;

  • Clinton was so impressed by the "I Have a Dream speech of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that he memorized the entire speech.
  • During his presidency, he was famous for his running shorts and the habit of jogging to burn calories, before arriving at a McDonalds to put those same calories. However, in Oxford, Clinton played rugby.
  • When he was in high school, he played the saxophone in a jazz trio known as the "Three Blind Mice." He still continues to enjoy playing it, you know.
  • Did you know that Clinton is also a Grammy winner? In 2004, he won for Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf/Beintus: Wolf Tracks. Then in 2005, he won a Grammy for a reading of My Life, his autobiography.
  • Clinton had a sexual relationship with a White House intern Monica Lewinsky. 
  • Bill Clinton eats apples all the way through, yeah including core, stem, seeds and all. As Clinton writes in his autobiography, "College Professor Deutsch was the only man I'd ever met who ate all of an apple, including the core. He said all the good minerals were there. He was smarter than I was, so I tried it. Once in a while, I still do, with fond memories of Professor Deutsch."

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Fun Facts About Spain
Fun Fact Found: Spain

Spain is one of the biggest countries in Europe. They have a unique history and culture. Here are some interesting information about Spain that you might not know;
  • The name Spain comes from the word Ispania, meaning the land of rabbits.
  • Saint Georges Day is the national feast day in the country. People present their dear ones with roses and books. This is because April 23rd was declared as the International Day of Books. Nice tradition, eh?
  • Spain has the highest number of bars out of all the countries in the EU.
  • Don Quixote is an novel written by Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. It is the most influential work of literature to emerge from the Spanish Golden Age and perhaps the entire Spanish literature.
  • Bullfighting is thought to be an art as well as a sport here. It is an integral part of Spanish history, art and culture with bull rings in all major cities and beyond.
  • The quill pen is thought to have originated in Spain about 1,400 years ago.
  • Tomato, potato, avocado, tobacco, and cacao... They were all brought to Europe by the Spaniards from their American colonies. All these words were imported from Spanish language into English, ending in "o". 
  • Same-sex marriage in Spain became legal on July 3, 2005.
  • In Spain, nudity is legal. You can find a lot of nudist beaches scattered through the coast.
  • Flamenco is not just a dance, but an art form including guitar, singing, dancing and 'palmas' (handclaps). 
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Fun Facts About Chicken
Fun Fact Found: Chicken

Chicken is not just food, they are great animals with amazing features. Here are some interesting information about chicken that you might not know;
  • Chicken are quite fast animals. They can travel up to 9 miles per hour if they want to.
  • A great mystery solved! A chicken can live without its head! There was actually one chicken, kept alive for eighteen months without its head. If you do not damage the chicken’s brain stem, it can live for a short while without its head.
  • Did you know that there are more chickens living on earth than people?
  • Chickens have great memory. They can distinguish between more than 100 faces of their own species. 
  • Chickens can experience rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, just like we do; which means they can dream, too.
  • It is proven that chickens have evolved from dinosaurs and they are also the closest living relative to the magnificent T. rex. We are eating living dinosaurs.
  • A mother hen turns her egg approximately 50 times in a day to make sure that the yolk does not stick to the shell.
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Fun Facts About Istanbul
Fun Fact Found: Istanbul

The only city in the world, straddling two continents, Istanbul is a magic city located both on Europe and Asia. Here are some interesting information about Istanbul that you might not know;

  • The Bosphorus ferry is the common transportation for locals and a great cruise for tourists. 
  • The city is in two continents literally and it is as large as Belgium and even with almost the same population.
  • There were about 1400 public toilets in Istanbul during the times of the Ottoman Empire, while in the rest of Europe there were none.
  • Known as the symbol of Holland, tulips were originated in Istanbul and were sent from Istanbul to Netherlands.
  • The third oldest subway in the world is in Istanbul, built in 1875. It’s 573 meters long and situated in the Beyoglu district.
  • British author Agatha Christie wrote her famous novel “Murder on the Orient Express” at Pera Palas Hotel in Istanbul. The room she stayed is still preserved as it was.
  • The Galata Tower in Beyoglu, was built in 1348 to be used to house prisoners of war, then it functioned as an observatory, but now it offers a 360-degree viewing gallery of the city. Highly recommended!
  • You will see so much culture and history in Istanbul. Even in one day, you can visit the old town, the Blue Mosque, the Hagia Sophia, the Basilica Cistern. You can relax at the Hammam, the Turkish bath.

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Fun Facts About U2

Fun Fact Found: U2

Since late 1970s, U2 is in our lives and ears. Being one of the most hardworking bands in the world, U2 still rocks it, holding 20 Grammies! Here are some interesting facts about U2 that you might not know;
  • Did you know that U2 have never performed the song, from the Joshua Tree album, 'Red Hill Mining Town' live?
  • U2 were only the fourth music band appearing on the front cover of Time magazine, after the Beatles, the Band and the Who.
  • Bono and the Edge are co-owners of the Clarence Hotel in Dublin. You may want to stay there as a fan!
  • There is agreat mystery about the suitcase that had been stolen in 1981. It was returned to Bono in 2004 containing the original lyrics for U2's October album.
  • The Vertigo tour of the band has been chosen as the Top-Grossing Trek of 2005, sold $260 million worth of tickets and housed more than 3 million people at 90 concerts.
  • In August 2005, Portugal's Order of Liberty awarded the band to honor their humanitarian efforts.
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Fun Facts About Salvador Dali

Fun Fact Found: Salvador Dali

The most famous surrelasit painter of the world. Do you think you know all about Salvador Dali, that crazy wise Spanish man? Here are some interesting facts about Salvador Dali that you might not know;
  • His brother was also called Salvador, however he died nine months before Dali was born. His parents made Dali believe that he was the reincarnation of his brother. You can find some of his workds inspired by this idea.
  • He had a great abilty to translate dreams into artwork. He named them "hand painted dream photographs". 
  • Did you know that he was also a sculptor, filmmaker, writer and insane? Maybe he wants us to think that he is actuallt insane!
  • The painting called "The Persistence of Memory" belongs to a unique category of the iconic which is more likely to be viewed as posters in teenager’s bedrooms or on ceramic mugs than on wall of a museum. Did you know that the original painting is just as big as two postcards?
  • There are some certain images appearing in Dali’s surrealist paintings such as; melting clocks, elephants, eggs, ants, snails and locusts.
  • To ward off evil spirits, Salvador Dali carried a piece of lucky driftwood.around.
  • Dali was notorius for not knowing how to count money.
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Fun Facts About Lettuce

Fun Fact Found: Lettuce

Do you like salad? If you do, you are aware of the beautiful taste and healthy features of lettuce. Here are some interesting facts about lettuce that you might not know;
  • The ancient Greeks believed that lettuce induced sleep. This is because they served it at the end of the meal. Then, the dictatorial Roman Emperor Domitian served it at the beginning of his feasts, to torture his guests by forcing them to stay awake in the presence of himself.
  • Lettuce was introduced to the New World from Europe, in 1494. They were calling it "iceberg". When the trains bearing the lettuce came through towns, people would call out; "The icebergs are coming, the icebergs are coming!"
  • The spine and ribs of lettuce provide dietary fiber, while vitamins and minerals are concentrated in the delicate leaf portion.
  • Lettuce is the second most popular fresh vegetable in the United States. One American person eats approximately 30 pounds of lettuce each year.
  • Lettuce is pretty much immune to any form of preservation. You can't freeze it, can it, dry it, or pickle it.
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Fun Facts About Oscar Wilde
Fun Fact Found: Oscar Wilde

Do you love him for his poems or plays or novel? Or are you just interested in his love life? Everybody knows and everybody loves Oscar Wilde. Here are some interesting facts about Oscar Wilde that you might not know;
  • Although he is generally known as an author, he only published one novel, The Portait of Dorian Gray in 1891.
  • Did you know that he was accused of and sent to prison for two years' hard labour on account of sodomy and gross indecency?
  • In 1891 Oscar Wilde met Lord Alfred Douglas, then they became lovers. Alfred’s father was John Douglas, who did not approve of his son’s relationship with Oscar. Feuding between John Douglas and Wilde eventually led to Wilde being convicted of gross indecency for homosexual acts.
  • Wilde died of meningitis on November 30, 1900. He was only 46 years old.
  • Oscar's father was Queen Victoria's eye surgeon and was knighted for it.
  • There were two half sisters of Oscar who died in a fire. One of them was dancing close to the coal fire and her dress caught light. The other sister tried to put the fire out and died miserably, too.
  • You can see his grave in the cemetery at Pere Lachaise in Paris. Originally the grave had a sculpture of a man with an erect penis but the gardener of the graveyard was so offended by it that he snapped it off. We advise you to visit him in Paris and share your kiss as all we do.
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Quick Fact About Science

Fun Fact Found: Science

Did you know that if you sleep less than six hours a night, you are more likely to develop colon cancer than those who sleep more.

Fun Facts About Rice

Fun Fact Found: Rice

Goes well with almost all dishes, all around the world, and it is so healthy... Yeah, we are talking about rice. Here are some interesting facts about rice that you might not know;
  • Rice is the second highest consumed worldwide production after corn, which is mostly grown for other purposes than human consumption. This makes rice the most important grain for human consumption.
  • There are more than 40,000 varieties of rice growing on every continent except on Antarctica.
  • In some traditions, people throw rice at bride and groom at their wedding, because it is a symbol of life and fertility.
  • Rice is rich in carbohydrates, which are needed for the brain to function properly, and it is an excellent source of energy for physical activity.
  • Of all the cereals, rice also contains the highest quality proteins. It contains little fat, and no cholesterol surprisingly!
  • In Switzerland, there are small pillows made of natural textiles stuffed with rice. It is well for relieving back and neck pain. You should heat the pillow up in the microwave, and then position it over the painful area. Get well soon!
  • Did you know that car brands Honda means main rice field and Toyota means bountiful rice field?
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Fun Quote of Lacan

Fun Quote Found: Jacques Lacan

"In other words, the man who is born into existence deals first with language; this is a given. He is even caught in it before his birth."

Fun Facts About Beer

Fun Fact Found: Beer

Who would not enjoy a can of beer while watching TV or partying around? Here are some interesting facts about beer that you might not know;
  • Beer is the second most popular beverage in the world, right after the tea.
  • Women were the first professional brewers in the world.
  • Did you know that beer was usually served for breakfast in Medieval England?
  • The slaves in Ancient Egypt, who were building the pyramids were paid in beer. And this kind of beer was called kash, it is where the word cash comes from.
  • The first six-pack of beer was produced in the 1940s. They found that six cans were the ideal weight for an average woman to carry home.
  • According to a study, beer protects bone mineral density because of its high levels of silicon. And beer actually strengthens your bones.
  • There are more than 400 different types of beers in the world. Belgium has the most individual beer brands.
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